Manta 1 is a 12.5 meter rigid hull RHIB. It is designed to with stand rough seas and with the possibility of carriage of 2 + 24 persons or up to Cargo capacity of 7000Kg. It is equipped with 4 outboard motors and has a range capacity of 355NM.
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There is a huge demand for high quality and well trained personnel to manage and operate the technologically sophisticated ships of today. The importance of education and training can never be overestimated. At the same time modern technology can never replace good seamanship, but it can always improve it. Therefore, training is one of the most important factors for safe, efficient, economical and environment friendly ship operation.

The search for Oil and Gas drives the industry into deeper waters and harsher environments, increasing the need for specialised knowledge to promote safety and secure profitability. The rapid development of the industry, not the least in the advanced technical field is pushing a high demand on skills and competences for the workforce.